Professional Paint Disposal Service

Our efficient Trowbridge paint disposal team will be able to collect your old paint cans from anywhere at your business (inside or outside) within an agreed 2-hour time slot.

As a registered licensed waste carrier, we will provide you with a hazardous waste consignment note which is a legal requirement. From there, we will assess send the paint for processing at a relevant plant.

Why is paint hazardous waste?

Every business within Trowbridge has a legal obligation to ensure their hazardous waste is disposed of safely and legally.

Waste is considered ‘hazardous’ under the government’s environmental legislation (see here) when it contains substances or has properties that may make it harmful to human health or the environment. This does not necessarily mean it is an immediate risk to human health, although some waste can be.

Paint is classified as hazardous waste due to the heavy metals such as Mercury and Cadmium (has a relatively high density and is toxic or poisonous at low concentrations) it contains as well as gloss paint being flammable.

What happens to the paint?

After we collect the paint from your Trowbridge businesses it will be sent for processing at a relevant plant.

To recycle the paint, it will be pumped into tanks consisting of the same colour and have additives and colourants added as necessary before being finely filtered and packaged for sale. Alternatively, the paint will be made into a product that is used in manufacturing cement, thereby recycling 100% of the original paint.

Why Choose Yes Waste to remove your unwanted paint?

As a licensed and insured waste management company, our professional, friendly and efficient teams help people throughout Trowbridge with their waste removal needs.

Our uniformed teams usually consist of two or three people who will contact you when they are 30 minutes away. Once they arrive, they confirm the price with you before loading your unwanted paint from any location at your business, saving you the effort of doing it yourself.

Want to know more about our Trowbridge paint disposal service?

We’re always happy to discuss your paint removal and disposal requirements with you, so please get in touch by completing our form. Alternatively, we realise that completing forms is not for everyone. Therefore, if you would like to discuss your requirements in more detail, please call one of our friendly team for expert advice on 0800 058 2522.